Tuesday, August 24, 2021

 August has been a month filled with events and completions. At last, An Awful Providence, Epidemic Typhus and Family History Told Through the Collected Letters of Harriet Rice. has been published and is available at the Union Historical Society for $15 per copy. Contact UHS for purchase information @ www.unionhistorucalsociety.org or call (207) 785-5444 to leave message. UHS is currently open Saturdays and some Wednesdays.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Things have changed! After my previous posting, I realized my manuscript was far from finished. I revised it with professional formatting and endnotes and submitted a complete manuscript, An Awful Providence: Epidemic Typhus and Family History told through the Collected Letters of Harriet Rice to Islandport Press in Yarmouth, Maine. This publisher specializes in publishing books that reflect "a New England sensibility...as well as characterize the culture and people."  Sent January 6, 2021.

The author's great grandmother Ann Rice French with her sister Harriet Rice Barrett at Shrubbery House, the Barrett's homestead in Union, Maine Circa 1870. Harriet collected family letters on which An Awful Providence is based..