Saturday, June 28, 2014

Started my next book project - continuing to decipher family letters going back to the early 1800's, the Rice's of Union, Maine. I'll be making a connection with folks at the historical society over Founders' Day weekend in Union, mid July. Ann Rice m. James French
(my Great-grandparents) and one of their sons, George, was my Grandfather. Here they are! Maybe it's a condition of "getting older" to find genealogy so fascinating. Strictly by chance, I discovered I'm a May Flower descendant - Hopkins/Allerton - along with millions of others. But still, it's interesting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Finished third draft today! Yeah. In hand of Katie...Just learned what the insert button could do. Page breaks! Learning curve. Busy month. Grandson graduated from Nova and is heading to Reed in Oregon.
 Here we are! Grandma, Griffin, Dad, Grandpa!

Monday, June 2, 2014

When novel characters turn up in the flesh...

Ran into one of my love interest characters this weekend at his sister's memorial service, 20 years later. Interesting...a horny proposition, but friendly, too.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Works Gallery 2014

What I do when I'm not working on that last chapter of my novel! Hang paintings...