Monday, September 29, 2014

Embracing the Art of Downsizing

Be sure check-out Cape Women On-Line Magazine, Fall 2014 and read my article on downsizing! In the past year I made many changes - keeping a smaller footprint in my community (Wellfleet) and at the same time getting out from under mortgage payments. This lifestyle isn't for everyone, but since I sold my house I have traveled to New York, Colorado twice, Missouri and St. Paul, I'm heading to Italy in two weeks and will be in Ireland next April. That's Life! By the way, this is an original oil painting done by me - transformation is part of life well lived.

Ultra Short Memoir

Just heard from Coco Harris, Publisher at Telling Our Stories Press that my ultra short memoir (under 100 words) "Abattoir" is included in the anthology called Reflections coming November, 2014.
Valentine and Blanchette, my pet lambs under the elms at Atwood Farm circa: 1950.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Ardent Spirits

New Project: Historical Fiction which centers on Union, Maine and the Rice family. Pictured here: my grandmother, aunt and mother circa 1907.

Novel Finished!

Completed final draft of The Disengagement of Ms. Annecy Abbott. Beta Readers giving positive feedback. Hats off to my editor Katie O'Sullivan.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Downsizing, a True Story. Started working on an article for Cape Women On-line Magazine for the Fall issue. I have made drastic lifestyle changes this past year. There have been gains, and losses ,too. I put my house on the market and closed my gallery. Sold with only four showings. I got out from under monthly obligation - no more mortgage payments or second mortgage payments, no charge card debt. What a thrill to pay-off Bank of America! Free and clear, with Time to paint, write and Money to travel.What I did was buy (for cash) a mobile unit at Massasoit Hills on West Road, Wellfleet. I completely remodeled, inside and out, built an 8x10 shed. It's still evolving from a sow's ear into, well if not a silk purse, perhaps a least a carry on bag, my base camp. And, it backs up on Audubon Sanctuary woods.
The original sow's ear.
Studio in the making, Fall 2013

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Started my next book project - continuing to decipher family letters going back to the early 1800's, the Rice's of Union, Maine. I'll be making a connection with folks at the historical society over Founders' Day weekend in Union, mid July. Ann Rice m. James French
(my Great-grandparents) and one of their sons, George, was my Grandfather. Here they are! Maybe it's a condition of "getting older" to find genealogy so fascinating. Strictly by chance, I discovered I'm a May Flower descendant - Hopkins/Allerton - along with millions of others. But still, it's interesting.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Finished third draft today! Yeah. In hand of Katie...Just learned what the insert button could do. Page breaks! Learning curve. Busy month. Grandson graduated from Nova and is heading to Reed in Oregon.
 Here we are! Grandma, Griffin, Dad, Grandpa!

Monday, June 2, 2014

When novel characters turn up in the flesh...

Ran into one of my love interest characters this weekend at his sister's memorial service, 20 years later. Interesting...a horny proposition, but friendly, too.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Works Gallery 2014

What I do when I'm not working on that last chapter of my novel! Hang paintings...

Monday, May 19, 2014

abbott farm

Annecy grew up on Abbott Farm on Cape Cod during the fifties. 

Two Short Stories Published!

Two short stories included in Roll: "Too Late Daughter" and "Dirty Work"
published 2012 by Telling Our Stories Press
Available for purchase on Amazon